Remember the
chained prisoners
as if you were there with them.
-Hebrews 13:3
Kansas Wings is a registered 501(c)3 (pending) formed to break the cycle of recidivism.
Mission Statement: To mentor and support individuals as they re-enter society after being incarcerated. Our primary activity is matching clients with mentors who will provide housing, counseling and support for 12 months post release from prison.
Kansas Wings is a secular organization that is supporting of individual religion, but does not operate with religion in its mission, vision, or operations.
As a Bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Peter was introduced to Justin through the church. Justin had just been released from jail, and needed transportation to court appointments. After a time, Peter realized Justin was absent from courtroom and learned that Justin had been re-arrested.
The current recidivism rate is 33.5%.
Recognizing that more jail time would not rehabilitate Justin, Peter took Justin under his wing and requested that the court consider an alternative approach by allowing Justin to live under Peter's roof, where he and his family would serve as a mentor. Justin would be given a stable environment, learning positive relationships, financial acumen, social skills, employment, and lifelong counseling and supports.
"This experience has changed Justin and me forever. Over the past several years I have come to realize that I needed to develop a program that would service individuals as they were exiting incarceration." - Peter